
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Does or will GH ever work on Mac? Seeing how Rhino is developing an OSX version?

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What ever you do don't ask to be sent the Alpha or Beta version of Gh for Mac!


If you want a spot of light reading you can put the phrase "mac" into the Search Grasshopper facility over there ------------------------->

We hope so. I'm not currently involved in getting .NET plugins running on the mac, but I do know we've had .NET code (i.e. the same rhp file) run on both the windows and the mac version. We've made some pretty good progress using Mono as a substitute for Microsoft.NET but a number of problems still remain:


1) Mono doesn't yet have a 64-bit version. We need this.

2) The System.Windows.Forms namespace as implemented in Mono uses the Carbon platform. Rhino for mac uses the newer Cocoa platform. The two are incompatible within the same application. We've hired someone to start work on a Cocoa-Mono framework. We've also made this project open-source.


I honestly have no idea how far we are from releasing a Grasshopper for mac. I don't even know how far we are from trying this. Steve Baer (our in house .NET/interop wizard) has just returned from the Monospace conference and may have some more information about where exactly we stand.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Nice, It would be nice to one day be able to delete bootcamp all together as I'm still holding on to it solely for Rhino and grasshopper. I can dream can't I. You guys are doing some fantastic things. Thanks.

Hello guys, 

same for me here, keeping bootcamp just for rhino and gh.

Keep us posted on development!:)
meanwhile we'll keep on dreaming!

" Microsoft Open Sources .NET, Saying It Will Run on Linux and Mac"

:-O :-O ? 

.NET already runs on Mac in the form of Mono. There were a few missing bits and pieces which the Mono people have mentioned they'll implement now that the original source is available. 

The problem is not having a cross platform UI framework which works on winforms/WPF and Cocoa. However we're working on this and we've already got some .NET plugins with custom UI running on both platforms.

It is pretty good news though, this will definitely ensure .NET's popularity for the foreseeable future, not to mention we should be getting a lot of cool new stuff now that other people can work with the source.






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