
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Wish to limit an integer slider to the first and last list index, but how?


i've been breeding over this problem a few times now but haven't come up with a solution to automatically set the limits/range of an integer slider for an index input to the min and max of a the index list.
Is there a way around setting the slider limits manually when the index list varies?

What's the most common solution for this?


Views: 1069

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Not sure what you mean, but you can multiply the range (max - min) by the value from a default slider (0-1 Floating) and then add back the min. This results in taking the % of within a range.

i think i tried that, but it doesn't really work for integers.

But thanks anyway :)

can't you round to the nearest integer?

Thanks Tim,

Limiting a slider value to a list length would be very helpful especially when using Galapagos.

I don't think it is possible right now?




like this ?
of course it wouldn't be accurate for galapagos





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