
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to change a point grid's density with an attractor?

Hello all,


I am trying to use an attractor point to manipulate the density of a point grid. Basically, I want to generate more points when the point grid is close to an attractor point, and less, when the points are farther away.


So, in the attached image, instead of creating larger boxes around the attractor point, I want to create more points.


Eventually, this will have to work on a three dimensional point grid, but let's start in two dimensions.


Any insight or solutions come greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Views: 17650

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I'm not sure how or if u can create "more" points with an attractor, but you can pull the points to the attractor making it more / less dense near the attractor.  I think this is what you are looking for

One approach is to generate a very dense cloud of points (basically, your highest desired density everywhere). Then you remove points from this cloud based on attractor distance plus a certain random component. I cannot give you a file as you won't be able to open ghx files written with the internal development version, but here's a screenshot of my test:



And for 3 different values of the slider, this gives:




David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

brandon, did you find a solution to your problem concerning the smooth deletion of points? i digged up this ancient thread, as i seem to be having the same problem with you. any suggestions would be welcome!

Ive tried to re-create the script below but it didnt seem to work. Is there a way to create this?

my goal is to input a surface with a series of points to show people density in certain locations

Love some help.






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