
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,


In the following example, I’m trying to create a curve from the offset corners of each face on a polysurface (one curve per face). It works on individual faces, one at a time, when specifying the face using the List Item component. I thought the next step would be to feed a list of indices persistently through the List Item using a Range component. However, this doesn’t work. The solution needs to accommodate a variety of numbers of faces. In the attached image, the left side is what I currently get; the right side is what I’d like to get.


I assume the solution probably doesn’t involve using the list item component. Are data tree components required? Any help on this is much appreciated.





Views: 1078


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Thanks for this. Its even simpler than your last version. So many ways to do the same thing! 


My question about the List Item was more directed towards how workflow develops in Grasshopper. I want data to be explicit, or at least visible on the screen. So I tend to use the List Item a lot, as it shows me what I'm dealing with. So if I use the List Item to develop something that works with one index, I wanted to know if there was a way to then adapt it for use with multiple indices without having to reconsider the entire structure at hand. From some of the responses I've had here... absolutely! 


Thanks again for your help...




Another option to create this.





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