
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, i guess this is a pretty basic Rhino question to solve but i am kind of new at this. The problem is i have a curve i want to extrude and bend around two different paths that changes its direction both in x and y, i am having a difficult time finding the command that will help me ... Help me out please. Thank you.

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Hi Javier,

I guess you need to use the sweep2 rail command.

It will be even easier for me to tell you the exact thing only if you can post some images of what you want.

But first try the above one.

Thank you, It was really the command i was looking for. Is there a way i can divide this rail every certain distance ? The red lines drawn below might give you an idea of what i want. Thanks again.

Hi Javier,

Do you want to divide the whole rail or a specific part of it?

And, Do you want to divide in equal length?



hey javier....u can use the  PIPE command....if its a will turn it into a pipe.....its normally used for making railings/poles etc


Thank you, Sweep2 worked great for me.





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