algorithmic modeling for Rhino
Can someone help me please?
When I copy even the simplest VB-script routines into a GH-VB(Legacy) component
I get error messages like this for instance: AddLine is not a member of Rhino.
The Rhino methods are not recognized by the component.
(I am using Rhino 4.0 SR 8 and GH version of 19 November 2010)
Many thanks for a hint, Peter
The scripts were written in the Rhino scripting editor. Here an example:
Option Explicit
'Test eines Vierecks im Raum auf Planarität
'Berechnung des Winkels bei Zerlegung in 2 Dreiecke
'Zeichnen der Zerlegung nach dem kleineren Winkel
'Eingabe: 4 Punkte im Raum
'Peter Mayrhofer 05-2007
Sub Main()
Dim arrPts 'Array der 4 Eingabepunkte
Dim arrN1, arrN2 'Normalvektoren einer Zerlegung in 2 Dreiecke
Dim winkel1, winkel2, wmin, wmax 'Winkel bei gemeinsamer Kante
Dim pi, grad
pi = 4*Atn(1): grad = 180/pi
arrPts = GetPoints(,, "4 Punkte eingeben..." ,, 4)'Punkte 0,1,2,3
'Berechnung Winkel1 bei Zerlegung mit gemeinsamer Kante [1,3]
arrN1 = VectorUnitize(VectorCrossProduct(VectorCreate(arrPts(0), arrPts(1)),VectorCreate(arrPts(0), arrPts(3))))
arrN2 = VectorUnitize(VectorCrossProduct(VectorCreate(arrPts(2), arrPts(3)),VectorCreate(arrPts(2), arrPts(1))))
If VectorCompare (arrN1, arrN2) Then
winkel1 = 180 'Das Viereck ist planar!
MessageBox "*Viereck ist planar*"
Exit Sub
winkel1 = Arccos(VectorDotProduct(arrN1, arrN2))*grad
End If
'Berechnung Winkel2 bei Zerlegung mit gemeinsamer Kante [0,2]
arrN1 = VectorUnitize(VectorCrossProduct(VectorCreate(arrPts(1), arrPts(2)),VectorCreate(arrPts(1), arrPts(0))))
arrN2 = VectorUnitize(VectorCrossProduct(VectorCreate(arrPts(3), arrPts(0)),VectorCreate(arrPts(3), arrPts(2))))
winkel2 = Arccos(VectorDotProduct(arrN1, arrN2))*grad
'Winkelvergleich und Ausgabemeldung
If winkel1 <= winkel2 Then
wmin = winkel1 : wmax = winkel2
AddLine arrPts(0), arrPts(2) 'Dreieckszerlegung bei kleinerem Winkel
wmin = winkel2 : wmax = winkel1
AddLine arrPts(1), arrPts(3) 'Dreieckszerlegung bei kleinerem Winkel
End If
wmin = Fix(wmin*100)/100: wmax = Fix(wmax*100)/100
MessageBox "*Viereck nicht planar*"&vbNewLine& _
" Minimalwinkel = "&wmin&"°"&vbNewLine& _
" Maximalwinkel = "&wmax&"°"
End Sub
Main 'Aufruf des Hauptprogramms
'Funktionen aus der Vector-Library
'Make a vector from two 3D points
Public Function VectorCreate(p1, p2)
VectorCreate = Null
If Not IsArray(p1) Or (UBound(p1) <> 2) Then Exit Function
If Not IsArray(p2) Or (UBound(p2) <> 2) Then Exit Function
VectorCreate = Array(p2(0) - p1(0), p2(1) - p1(1), p2(2) - p1(2))
End Function
'Unitize a 3D vector
Public Function VectorUnitize(v)
VectorUnitize = Null
If Not IsArray(v) Or (UBound(v) <> 2) Then Exit Function
Dim dist, x, y, z, x2, y2, z2
x = v(0) : y = v(1) : z = v(2)
x2 = x * x : y2 = y * y : z2 = z * z
dist = x2 + y2 + z2
If (dist < 0.0) Then Exit Function
dist = Sqr(dist)
x = x / dist
y = y / dist
z = z / dist
VectorUnitize = Array(x, y, z)
End Function
'Return the dot product of two 3D vectors
Public Function VectorDotProduct(v1, v2)
VectorDotProduct = Null
If Not IsArray(v1) Or (UBound(v1) <> 2) Then Exit Function
If Not IsArray(v2) Or (UBound(v2) <> 2) Then Exit Function
VectorDotProduct = v1(0) * v2(0) + v1(1) * v2(1) + v1(2) * v2(2)
End Function
'Return the cross product of two 3D vectors
Public Function VectorCrossProduct(v1, v2)
VectorCrossProduct = Null
If Not IsArray(v1) Or (UBound(v1) <> 2) Then Exit Function
If Not IsArray(v2) Or (UBound(v2) <> 2) Then Exit Function
Dim x, y, z
x = v1(1) * v2(2) - v1(2) * v2(1)
y = v1(2) * v2(0) - v1(0) * v2(2)
z = v1(0) * v2(1) - v1(1) * v2(0)
VectorCrossProduct = Array(x, y, z)
End Function
'Function: Arccos
Function Arccos(x)
Arccos = Atn(-x / Sqr(-x * x + 1)) + 2 * Atn(1)
End Function
'Compare two 3D vectors for equality
Public Function VectorCompare(v1, v2)
VectorCompare = False
If Not IsArray(v1) Or (UBound(v1) <> 2) Then Exit Function
If Not IsArray(v2) Or (UBound(v2) <> 2) Then Exit Function
If v1(0) = v2(0) And v1(1) = v2(1) And v1(2) = v2(2) Then
VectorCompare = True
End If
End Function
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