
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi GH community,


I was wondering how I would go about creating a tree or 3D web like structure? I want to create (in 3 dimentions) a web, so you start with one node and from that 3 branches are created at random angles, and 3 more branches are created from each of those branches. But also have it so that the branches are at random angles but the angles are influenced by the branch that the new ones extend from. So if the angle that the old branch was created at was >15 degrees then the next 3 must be randomly created between 15 and 180 degrees (for example). It would also be nice that when the new branches touch (or come to within a certian proximity) of another established branch, the newly created branch is then deleted and stops growing.


Once I can do this I want to be able to relate it to my site. So say that there only the shell of a building with 4 interior columns. I want a web to start at each of the columns and grow untill it reaches the shell and starts growing outside the building too (refer to image).


Any ideas?


Thanks muchly


Views: 404

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I have had a go at creating this. Is it possible to make it cleaner? It seems really messy for what it is?I want to achieve this branch idea so at the end of each branch another 2 spawns (between 0 and 180 Degrees), and when one touches another line it is deleted and stops spawning.


Also is it possible to make this 3 dimentionally? And how do you get things to realise that they have hit an object?




Looks very similar to David's project.


But there is an L system plug in-for GH called Rabbit but you will have to run this in v0.6x as support for this seems to have stagnated. Maybe not enough Donations.

It's quite different from the L-systems sort of approach, but you might want to take a look at Diffusion Limited Aggregation:

as it produces results much like your sketch above, in 2D or 3D, and follows rules related to what you describe about branches stopping growing when within a certain proximity of each other.






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