
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Good afternoon.
My first post here. I'm new to Grasshopper.

I need to extrude texts in the grasshopper.
I've seen a few compilers that do this, but everyone I've tested does not support special fonts.

I'm using the "Futura Std ExtraBold" font (attached)
What I need to do is exactly what the "curves from text" script does (attached), but without problems with the special font.

The only component I found that can render a special font in rhino is bakeText (attached). However, it provides me with an annotation text instead of the text lines so I can extrude.

Is it possible for someone to help me and make a modification to some of the components so that I can extrude special fonts without problems?

Thank you very much for everyone's help !!!!

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Replies to This Discussion

I found this post: This might help

Look at the answer from Florian Frank on July 12, 2013 at 1:53am 


I found another component that can handle special fonts too.
But this one was made to generate single lines for engraving.
Is it possible to remove this option of deleting the lines?
I tried to remove some parameters inthe script but i don't know nothing about C#.


As curves are not closed I added a line betweend enf and beginning. It seems to work better


Thanks !!
I tried this C # script but it is not rendering the future font. I Just changed the font name, the definition is the same.

I also tried this trick in "curves from" script, but it isn't working (attached)

Thanks for helping!! :)


Wombat ( supports text outlines with custom fonts.

Hi Andrew!

Thanks for your answer!

I tried to do this with Wombat but I still have the same problem.

Can you try with the Futura Std ExtraBold font please??

I don't know if this could make a difference, but I'm using Rhino 5 Version SR13 64bits (5.13.60404.13390.04/04/2016) and grasshopper 0.9.0076

Thank you so much!!!!

There is nothing to be done about this - Rhino's internal method for converting text to curves fails with some fonts. Try just making a text object in Rhino and exploding it - you'll see it has the same problem. Time to try a different font!






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