
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I’m am new on grasshopper and I have some trouble with my loft.

Attached is my basic file. I would like to create a surface from it.
However, the number of points per curve is much too high. I tried to redefine the number of points of the curve without changing the global form. I divided my curves then I interpolated. Then the curves were not in the same direction so I preceded to Flip for all my curves.
Now, what I can not do is to give an order to my curves for a loft like in the photo attached. So I need help with this step below where I am completely blocked. I thought to use a list, but I can not.

Thank you and sorry for my English !


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Salut Chloe,

From what I saw in the Rhino file the shape is a bit complex, so I guess you cannot loft all the curves in one go ..

1 - You have to divide the list of curves into several lists (maybe three or two).

2 - Sort each of the lists in the right order of loft (along x axis for example).

3 - The tricky part is how to join the several lofted surfaces.

I don't know if there is any better/shorter way or any plug-in that can do this ...

Hi Chloe

I don't know what your problem is, but my guess is it has to do with how your Rhino curves were originally developed. What I did was import the first few curves into GH and then Loft them as is.  This is the result I got:

As you see, it did make a smooth surface, but the contour lines are all wiggly. This tells me that the individual curves do not line up properly in terms if start/end and internal points. Then next thing I did was to use the GH curve Rebuild function and Loft the results of that.  Then I got this:

This looks a lot better, but I can't explain why because I don't know what Rebuild really does. Maybe someone here who knows more about the internal structure of curves can help you. I think that if you can get the Rhino curves in the proper format/structure you'll be able to Loft them with no problem. I've made many Loft surfaces comprised of multiple closed curves and they work OK.







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