
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,

Is there any way to divide a surface radially?

I made a thickened pipe, and increased UV points(Rhino Rebuild command). But inner and outer are not connected.

I want to make it like this:

I would appreciate if someone could lead me into the right direction.

Thank you for any assistance!!!!!

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This could be one way. Best.


And this compares PlanA VS PlanB (although some "stuff" used ... hmm ...)


Hi Hyungsoo,

Thank you !!

This is really a excellent work :)

Could I ask you a question?

When I set End Cap Iso Div. to 1 (set the number of edge control points == 2),  after Rail Revolution, it divided into 2 parts on radial direction and the shape is as same as when End Cap Iso Div. equals 2.

But when I check the control points of surface, it is correct.

Then what are these points? 

If I'm right, isocurve is a kind of a representation of knot connections.

In this case, there is no knot in the middle of the surface(Knot count = degree + control point count -1 = 1+2-1= 2(ie two knots, start & end point)

By default isocurves are drawn at knot locations. If the surface is a single knot-span surface like a simple rectangular plane, isocurves are drawn also in the middle of the surface.

Hi Ayaka, possibly maybe you want something like this: there are two more options in the attachment.






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