
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

about the boundary surface and closed planar curve

hello, please check the picture below, I'm trying to find out the problem why the boundary surface turn orange. At the first, I thought it was because I connected both  deconstruct plane from Z-axis. But it didn't change anything with connected to X or Y-axis. X( And than I check the panel, the second group dosen't have a closed planar curve. I really confused because they share the same Brep. Please teach me the way how to check and solve them, thanks :)
sorry, I know it's a super stupid question X( I just met GH for a few weeks X(

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It's because you have some invalid curve input for boundary surface component.

Some frames are out of range of your brep, so they'd possibly split the air, I guess..

And your brep has a considerable curvature so, perpendicular frames have generated intersecting rib profiles.

In order to get rid of these problems, I'll suggest another more cumbersome way. Check attached def. Best.


Hello, Kim
I try the way you teach me, it works! thanks for your help:)
I use extrude along curve to create the solid, is that the problem that cause some of my frames are out of range of brep? cuz I saw you use the flip curve. thanks a lot:)

It's because you've got a null section in there, all the non-null sections are boundary surface-d properly
(also, are you sure you're extruding the [bottom half of the definition] correctly?


I thought they share the same brep, so I also connect the widgets in the same way.

About the [bottom half of the definition] can you tell me what you found out? Thank you for your help :)
p.s. it's really weird my brep join can't connect over one widget, so I have to use the merge to connect them. Do you have the same problem before?

Just that in the original definition, the bottom half ended up as a flat surface, when you were probably meaning to extrude/move in the z-direction (as can be seen in Kim's definition)

And I think its just a matter gh design principles in how they compartmentalize components(widgets), so brep join just does the joining while the data tree manipulation has to be done externally. (If brep join did handle that, I don't think it would make sense for the more complex data tree configurations)

Alternatively, after extruding, you could have just capped it instead of using boundary and brep join :P

Thanks you for your explain :D It helps a lot. And capped is really a smart way :D thanks!






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