
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Trim irregular shape from surface - How would you do this?


I am curious about how someone with a wider understanding of the grasshopper components available would go about trimming a surface using an irregular shape or another surface? I find that I do things in quite a convoluted way and want to know how others do them for me to develop my skills.

I trimmed a circle from a square. I couldn't get it to work with region difference and i couldn't figure out how to get the domain of the circle in the rectangle to use isotrim so I used solids. It just feels like using solids is really convoluted - what would you do?

I just checked and split brep works but to be honest I am really curious about the isotrim solution. Does anyone know to get the domain that the circle inhabits of the square so that i can isotrim?

Kind Regards


Views: 866


Replies to This Discussion

Brilliant these tools look useful thanks so much!

Hi Kenneth, in case the surface is planar and the curve too (in this view it does look that way - plus you said you 'trimmed a circle from a square'), I'd just use the BoundarySurface component : 

Wow I just tried it - so simple - AMAZING! you were correct in your assumptions. Thank you!






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