
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi folks


I'm trying to box morph some hexagonal geometry onto a freeform surface---


I've got it set up w/ a rectilinear grid--but to get these hexagons close-packed, I need something more like a triangular grid...?


is this possible?  (see my skp img, more like the right example, except populated on a freeform surf)





Views: 2982


Replies to This Discussion


Depending on the complexity of the geometry you want to map there are at least two ways of doing it.

One is to apply an hexagonal grid onto a freeform surface and use this as a base to create the geometry you want to map.

Other is to create the geometry in rhino, shear it and then use a boxmorph component as in the second treat Taz pointed at.

Anyway, I'm very interested in hexagonal geometry mappings so happy to help if needed!

Enclosed is a Csharp component to cerate an hexagrid on a surface.



thanks to you both!


Evert, I do have the hex-based geometry / part in rhino already (sorry, I don't have an image to illustrate).  So I need to figure out a way to pack them together on a freeform surface in a way that a regular UV mapped box morph solution doesn't accomplish....


I had a look at the second link by Taz, but that will take me some time to sort through...

any additional tips appreciated.





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