
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there,

I´m currently working on a custom UV Mesh on a 3D surface.
Now I have generated U and V Curves and projected on a lofted surface.
These curves are intersecting each other but I could not figure out how I can get the intersection points.

Here you have a screenshot.

Hope someone has a solution. Unfortunately I´m not into VB or anything so I hope there is a simple GH solution for this, or am I just to blind to find the right button?


Views: 2187


Replies to This Discussion

Hi h8cru,


in what order do you want these intersection points? How are your input curves sorted/defined? You could probably get there with some combination of Grafting, Cross Referencing, Shifting etc. but I need more details to say anything useful.



David Rutten

Seattle, WA

Hi David and thank you!


I have two pairs of Rhino curves.

To see what happens to them in GH please have a look at the images.

After the "blending" process I project the lines on a lofted surface.


What I need to do now is the following:

I need the intersection points in a logical order (don´t know exactly what will be best)

because I want to create a hexagonal structure on the surface (the one you see on the image is unfortunately done by hand, what I hope to avoid once accessing the points...).

I intend to pick the points out of the list in some mathematical order and build closed polylines (hexagons).

Later on I want to create small domes on each hexagon, but that´s not part of the story right now.


Hope I told you what you needed to know? Otherwise let me know.


Thank you for your interest!

...or am I just to blind to find the right button?


guess I missed the CCX Button! So alright, I have the Points.

Thanks anyways!






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