
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Remap trimmed surfaces, to make them untrimmed surfaces

Hi all,


Is it possible to make a Trimmed Surface be recognised as an Untrimmed Surface in either Rhino and/or Grasshopper ?


I have tried the Rhino Command "ShrinkTrimmedSrf", but it is not good enough.


Has anyone done anything like this ?


Thanks in advance !



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Shrinking involves removing all the control-point rows and columns that are outside of the trimmed edge and thus do not affect the shape of the surface remainder.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
My bad, I did not explain myself well...

I mean that once you have created a Trimmed Surface, use that new surface as though it were an Untrimmed Surface.

I had done this before by plotting lots of points on the Trimmed Surface then either using the SrfGrid (Surface From Points) component or using that point cloud on the Trimmed Surface and "joining-the-dots" with curves that I then lofted to recreate the surface as an Untrimmed Surface, but this is tedious and feels very inefficient and lacks accuracy.

Well that depends on the trim curves. If the resulting surface is sort of rectangular, then you can probably make an untrimmed surface that looks about the same. But it's definitely not possible if the trimmed surface has any holes or more than 4 edges.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia

What then is it about the coding of Rhino that makes it difficult to work with trimmed surfaces?

I tried to do contour lines and loft the, but its ot the same exactly..maybe its best to use tsplines for amorphic shapes





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