
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How  can  you  see  all  the  possibilities  galapagos  calculates  simulatenously  in  the  Rhino  viewport?  
I am  interested  in  baking  a  solution  set  generated  by  galapagos,  however  I  see  the  geometries  redrawn  in  Rhino's  viewport  in  rreal-time,  but  have  no  way  to  access  them  after  the  solver  is  done  running  its  course.  
Is  there  any  way  to  visually  document  the  solved  examples and  in  the  sequence galapagos  generates?


Views: 2587

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Hi Monique,

Thanks for asking this question, because it prompted me to test a way to do that. I just uploaded a video here, which shows a very brief example to export Galapagos outputs by combining Galapagos with the recently created Finches Export component (Formerly named Local Code Export). You can find out more about the component here.

We didn't design the component with this specific purpose in mind, so the results are a bit much (it can create a LOT of files very quickly). Also note that you could just change the file extension to ".ai" if you'd like to export illustrator files instead of .3dm files.

This is hilarious, because we hadn't thought of such a use when we renamed the component "Finches", but now the name is even more apt!

Attached is the definition used in the video. You'll need to install the Finches (Local Code) Components in order to open the file.


I am facing the same issue as Monique.

The Finches Export is an appropriate solution to my problem. But unfortunately I'm not able to access that component and the website that u mentioned above.

Can you please help me out with this?

Check out tt toolbox' colibri components and 'Design explorer'. Below i post a link to an example, i think, does what you are looking for.






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