
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I've been trying to create some decorative geometry as i want to build it in real with a laser cutter.

I tried to shatter a curve but it seems like it doesnt work here.

I have one curve that overlaps and has multiple intersections. But i wish to separate all the segments. In order to select them as show here, i just split them manually after baking them.

Is there a way to split all intersection from one curve ?

Thank you!

Views: 479


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great technique!

Thx! thx!

Or maybe this?
B.t.w. like you I didn't actually use the Shatter component.


thats great. you can actually change section with the slider. You definition is much much simple than mine. The thing is that if you bake two coplanar surface the common edge will be repeated. Which is not perfect for me as i use those files to process a laser cutter.

Thx for helping me!

oh btw, 

you managed to select a row of polygon around the center.

Could it be possible to select one polygon inside the row?

There's no polygons there... I'm not sure what you mean Dan. Did you mean one of the closed curves touching the origin? Have you tried a ListItem component?
B.t.w about the repeated common edge: you can use the RegionUnion component (Intersection > Shape tab) to avoid that.






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