
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

create incrementated text in Rectangular Grid's cells


I'm using this basis : 

Rectangular Grid and Area to get the center of each cell.

16x16 cells (256 cells in total)

I want to create a list of numbers and letters  (B001M001OP, B001M002OP... B001M256OP) where 001 is the first cell and 256 the last one and generate the text in each cell.

im not sure we can actually set a font for example in grasshoper?

and i want to bake a vectorial file.

i added an image of what i meant, maybe it will be more understandable..

thank you i hope you understood what i tried to explain

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here ( is an example of vectorial file. I think it is not to difficult to translate in what you need (si nécessaire en français). 

thank you i will read that


actually the link you refered seems very complex for what  i want to do.

I also dont have excel working on my computer. I also dont wont to use an existing filetext, but using grasshoper to generate a string of caracters.

I will still study the file you mentionned though it seems to be a bit too complex for me.

ok i found how to input text in the cells .

but i still dont know how to generate strings instead of using existing text.

for example i want to generate a string like A001 A002 A003 A004 .. to A256

Thank you!


Try the 'Expression' component with some formatting applied - study the code found here:

and the file 


Merci bcp c'est exactement ca.

Je vais voir comment transformer le 1 en 001

Merci encore

Thx i'll study this






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