
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

where do people who are new to grasshopper go for help? anyone who can give installation advice?...last post was ignored by community... maybe there is some other software out there i can use

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Hello David,

This is generally a good place to get advice on the functionality of Grasshopper. Since most of us have it installed without issues, its hard to help. There are several reasons installation could have failed. One question, when you installed the 0.5 version, did you have the same issues? Were you able to use the 0.5 version? Test that out and get back to us.

i never tried 0.5, i installed it, continued reading the site only to find that the 'current build 0.5' was't the most recent version. so as a beta whore i downloaded 0.6 and installed. it simply doesn't work. why is it giving me a Comic Sans error? is there no secondary font it can default to? why are there no icons in my components panel? Why does it crash so completely (it crashes out of gh, out of rhino and leaves me with a mcneel bug report thing).

i assumed that all beta software would have a bug section with regular tech support.. what's with grasshoppers lack of help?

finally, all my software is legal and licensed, all up to date, no shoddy hacks or cracks

here was my previous posting:
'i was recommended Grasshopper from another rhino tutorial website. i downloaded the standard version v0.5 i think. i installed it then realised that there was a new version, i unistalled 0.5 and installed 0.6 *current build. After first initiallising the plugin (i type 'grasshopper into command line' i get the following error. (i cant remember if this happenend with 0.5 too.)

'An error occured during assembly parsing plugin may not function as expected

mscorlib:exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation

grasshopper: the type initializer for 'grasshopper.kernel.EH_FontServer' threw an exception

system drawing: font 'comic sans ms' does not support style regular'

Also, as attached, the plugin does not have any components in the menu? i dont know if this is an error or standard before file is activated.

please help this ambitious noob

ps, Win XP SP3, Rhino 4.0 SR5b, maxwell render plugin 1.8, panelling plugin (latest)'

Ok, let me ask you you have the .Net Framework 2.0 installed (maybe by now we need .Net Framework 3.5?). Check this out. I think you can see if it is installed in your Add/Remove programs...

< Installed .NET Frameworks >
.NET FW 1.1
.NET FW 2.0 SP 2
.NET FW 3.0
.NET FW 3.5 SP 1

according to ASoft.NET version detector 2009
hi david..
have you uninstalled the version 0.5 and deleted the folder,
before you have tried to install the WIP_version 0.6.0012

but by the way
if you want to you use it in office maybe it is better to stay in version 0.5 until david releases the next version when he arrives back from his holidays
v0.5 is NOT available on the site. some form of error... anyone with a mirror?

previously i DID uninstall grasshopper 0.5 (add/remove program menu) i DID NOT delete the folder for 0.5.. i cannot find it..and since removing 0.6 i cannot find any grasshopper folders in program files
it is inside rhino 4.0/plugins/grasshopper

maybe you try one of that...

hope it helps....
FAIL unfortunately..thanks for suggestions though

Grasshopper was not in said location so i assume the uninstall worked cleanly. I installed 20081202 to see if it was the version. I got same font error and NO icons at all in the components menu... suckage

anyone got ideas? why!!!god why!!!!!
ok i read know carefully your problem you have a missing font

so drag and drop that file into windows/font/

best to]
IT WORKED!!!! check 'to]'s answer. Installed two missing fonts.. works perfectly now!!!

many thanks to the grasshopper community and apologies for doubting you all!!

perhaps dev's could have a look at Comic Sans error for next version

sincere thanks and much love
I'm glad it it got fixed. I've have been travelling a lot lately and haven't been able to spend a lot of (or, often, any) time for support. We realise this is a big problem for the time being.

The error you got was very weird. Font construction is not something that is supposed to fail, ever. DotNET should always come up with an alternative font, but clearly something has gone terribly wrong somewhere.

The next release will be mature enough to finally officially replace 0.5, so at least that versioning hell will be over. With a bit of luck (and a lot of work) it will be available before Siggraph (early August).

David Rutten
Robert McNeel & Associates
David -

Sorry your message was missed by the community here earlier. It seems that the current thread is going in the right direction.

In the future, direct support is always available at or by calling one of our support lines, you can find the numbers at:

But the real experts on Grasshopper are here on these forums.






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