
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have got an issue with revolving a simple shape that is closed, but this creates an invalid brep. If I baked the axis and profile curves, the revolve can be done in Rhino easily. Any ideas why this is happening?

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Hi Shkattii, I hope my example explains: revolve a profile, not the entire countour curve.

Could you please elaborate on what is the difference between "profile" and "contour curve" because I don't know the difference? ...I am having trouble with an "invalid" revolve. I have several lines and arcs that go through: Join-->Boundary-->Revolve, where join and boundary are valid. And actually, the preview of the revolution works and even lets 1 out of the 2 SolidDiffs that depend on it work after passing through the revolve component. But its somehow causing the second SolidDiff to just bake as if it were the invalid RevolveSrf bake. Can you please help? (file posted below)


In your file: just remove (leave out) the line(ar) segment that coincides with the revolve axis.

Wow I spent so much time on this, but simple solution. Thank you.

btw i also had to remove [Boundary] from in between [Join] and [RevSrf] after following your advice.





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