
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm trying to create a system of modules that fit together, however I want to avoid simple regular polygons

and achieve something more like this:

as you can see in this project from kokkugia, they designed only 4-5 voronoi-like modules that avoided banality and achieved a wide variety of interesting configurations. 

I was attempting to model this in grasshopper, but I'm not sure how to create different modules that have the capability to match each others' faces so well.

Does anyone know if it's possible to model something like this in grasshopper?

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pencil + paper + a bucket of coffee

GH won't think for you, maybe it will be helpful once you exactly know how to tile those polyhedrons.

3d tilings

But we can make GH do random things!!  :D

And then choose which of those random we like...

What I would do is like this:

Wanting a repetitive modular cell structure means the space should be filled. )
To fill a 3d space you can use structure already existing, like cubic or octahedra and tetrahedra.
Starting from cubic structure then (the easiest).

1 - make few(x) random points

2 - 3dArray them

3 - make voronoi cells wih all the points

4 - extract just the (x) cells at the center

now you get x cells with a random shape, but that completely fill a 3d space with a cubic pattern

(the same thing can be done with octahedra and tetrahedra pattern, just its a bit harder to do the array)

Change seed to achieve a decent initial result.

You can then manually "fix" those cells removing small faces.

(by moving small parts of volume to one cell to another)

Those cells will just have a single orientation, the final pattern maybe will still look cubic-ish.

there are also structures with standard cells but non-repetitive patterns:

but i have no idea to how to apply this in 3d (even in 2d! :S )



I had developed a really crude version of this, but yours is much more thorough and complete. so thank you very much! this is exactly what i was trying to figure out. i will play around with this and see if I have any questions or clarifications! thank you again.


Thanks, the link you added provided a helpful direction for me to search in. 

Hey Eric,

there is a project similar to what you want to achieve by Aranda/Lasch in 2005:

maybe this helps...

Dominik, yes this helps very much. Precedents are always great to see how others have answered a similar problem to the one that you have. Always helpful. Thank you,







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