
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I searched the forum looking for a simple answer for a question that might look so:

There are contour lines upon a geometry, and a curve projected onto this geometry. What I'm trying to reach is manipulate these contour lines so that, whenever they are close to the projected lines, they are distorted, creating a weaved line. 

The solution I was trying to reach was dividing both lines by a similar parameter, and move the points closer to the line upwards or downwards.

It sounds so simple, but I can't figure it out.

Follows the definition with the input geometry in it.

If anyway could help, I would be immensely grateful.


André R.

Views: 787


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Just an update, in case anyone is following this.

Now the file creates a weave on the surface, and Im in the moment trying to invert the flow, so instead of moving outwards, it moves within the surface. 


Hi Andre,
Here's what I think you meant.


Hi Pieter,

wow, I'm so glad that you made it!

It's such an elegant definition. Really delightful to learn with it. Thank you so very much. I will post the final result as a follow up. 

Once again, thank you.

I hope that in the near future, I can give to this community as much as it gave to me. Thank you

You're welcome Andre, glad I understood the goal correctly, and thanks for the kind words.

Oh, here's a new attemp at posting that picture:






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