
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


New member here, so first of all, thanks so much to all of the community members here who have provided so much useful info! Most of what I need to know is always just a search away.

The scenario:

I have hundreds of extruded voronoi cells. I have developed a grasshopper network to add notches, ribs, etc. to an extruded cell.

The problem:

Feeding all of the cells at once into the input brep in my network a) results in messed up geometry because I don't have a thorough understanding of data trees yet, and b) it takes forever for my computer to process everything at once.

The question:

Is it possible to feed all my hundreds of breps into this network, one at a time, but in a more automated way than manually selecting geometry and baking?

I've searched for things like batch processing, iteration, automation, etc., but feel like I'm missing something obvious...

Views: 1652

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attach a file if you can... this will make helping much easier, because it sounds like there are lots of possible solutions.

Thanks AB, I was hoping that asking for a generalized solution would reveal a simple "foreach" grasshopper component that I don't know about, but I will upload my file when I get home.

My first thought is to use the Lunchbox (plugin) component Bake.

Just use a slider to slide through your list of objects. (In my example I've moved an object, but just use the List Item component to move through your list of objects.)

Each time the Slider moves to the next number, Bake will bake the new object to Rhino in the layer you've specified.

If you REALLY want to automate it and not manually have to move through the list, right click your number slider and hit Animate. This process is for creating images of your Rhino space, which you can just delete after. The byproduct, however, is that the slider will move one by one from left to right, and each of your list items will be baked automatically.

There are other Bake components in other plugin sets too, this one is just easy to download and works well. And Lunchbox is a great set of components anyway.


Cool... it looks like others had good solutions to the general question:)

no example needed... unless you want help with data trees.

With anemone + lunchbox you can make a simple loop to cycle all your items and bake each one.

attached is the definition. Just double click the loop start. 


Thank you guys! This is exactly what I was looking for. I feel like I just became twice as powerful with grasshopper :) I'll post my project when I finish it...





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