
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Creating spiral with constant slope on tapered cone

Hello all--

I am creating a structure that is basically a tapered cone and would like to create a ramp with a constant slope along the height of the cone.  I have tried many things, but am albeit not very proficient and have come to the end of my ability.  My most recent effort is shown below; I begin with a central line and create a series of circles from division points along the line from which circles are created at varying radii, rotate the circles and evaluate length to get a spiralling series of points which are then interpolated to form a line.  The obvious problem here is that the circles are evenly spaced in the z vector and as the cone decreases in radius the slope of the spiral must increase.  

It's totally possible that this is the worst way possible to go about it, but I can't figure it out.  Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Many thanks--

Grasshopper trainee

Views: 2667

Replies to This Discussion

I think you must search for loxodrome équation on cone
You can find on my page équation for a sphere


Thank you for your reply... I've looked through the script and really have no idea how to apply the spiral to a shape other than a sphere.  Is it possible to include a shape input somewhere than the spiral lines would be inscribed on?  Thanks very much for your thoughts.

Hélix is also a good start. See ISO SCREW there is a definition with helix you will have to modify the radius because it is no more constant. I hâve just an iphone so i can't help you more :(





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