
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is it reasonable to bundle a .DLL in Food4Rhino when a user downloads my Grasshopper component GHAs? 

I currently us NodaTime.DLL for managing date and times, as opposed to C#' DateTime class. This is mainly because NodaTime fits my needs. I am releasing my component package soon, and if I don't have NodaTime.dll in my /Libraries/ folder, I get dependency issues.

I have consulted Jon Skeet [creator of NodaTime], and he says it's alright on his end for me to distribute the library since it's open-sourced. But I am wondering if any other developers on Grasshopper have done so.

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Replies to This Discussion

It's ok to ship dlls with applications, the system was designed with that in mind.

If you really don't want that, then you can put the DLL as a resource in your GHA project and write it to disk prior to loading it. That way you only have to distribute a single file.


David Rutten

I don't have access to Visual Studio right now, but it would be the same as adding an icon to your project resources. Just get the byte-array that represents the dll from your resources, and then either write it to the disk or load it directly from memory:



David Rutten





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