
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, everyone:

I would like to simulate a wind kinetic sculpture that each unite connect to another(like the image I posted).

I would to achieve when all of unties are connected together, I can calculate the center of the gravity of kinetic sculpture and what the virtual install will be look like in the physical world.

I do not know which add-on can simulate that. Like kangaroo, millipede or karamba maybe have chance to achieve the goal. However, I do not find any similar example. 

Anyone has advise? or if there has example will be better. thanks in advance.

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This can be easily simulated in Kangaroo, just using bending and springs:

The important thing is that each member is a polyline, with vertices at any point it connects to another member.

This is just a quick example with equal loads, and I've left it to you to balance the moments about each pivot point.

Later I'll show how wind forces can be added to make it rotate.

I've been thinking for a while this would be a nice thing to try and simulate, whenever I see this book cover:

On second thoughts - It's probably actually even simpler to do it all with springs, to avoid issues with bending of unequal segments.

Here's a definition that also does the moment calculations to make sure the sides are always balanced


hey Daniel, thanks for your reply it really good for me, and I really love your add-on, kangaroo, it help me a lots in my design.

The book that you mentioned above I browsed once before, the content is too difficult to me. although I try to understand it...

The artist, Marco Mahler, who is famous kinetic sculptor, and his last work used 3D printer to realize his project, and the 3d printer sculpture inspire me that i would to "parameter" this kinetic sculpture. if I have any work or image I will share it to you.

the image is here:

Very nice link, thanks.

I think Grasshopper could be ideal for designing more free-form versions of these

Hi Daniel:

 I try to simulate the pieces, however the result is not what I thought.

Can I have your file of the bending example that you posed in the gif image?

the attachment is my result. The white line is separate from the structure. I don't know why. Does anyone can fix it?

this is the file I try.


There needs to be an additional vertex at the junction to allow the parts to connect. Also - now that the line is made up of 2 segments there needs to be something else to keep them straight - as you mention in your other post.

That image might be a Calder piece? Gehry just helped curate an exhibit of his work in LA:


Indeed you're right Taz.

That sounds like a nice exhibition.

Hey there,

I've been working on a definition that simulates the mobile on the cover of the book above but i'm having some problems with it. I've managed to keep the lines straight, and i have put the weights on the vertices. The problem is that i can't balance the lines and when i run the kangaroo solver everything falls (the lines stay joined on the vertices).

I would like it to act real, so if i have different weights on the vertices of one line, the heavier one will go down on relation with the weight of the other side so the resulting line will be sloped but not completely aligned with the z axis.

Here's the definition i've been working on, just hope someone can help me with it.

Thanks in advance,








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