
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

grasshopper and galapagos as architectural design tools

Hello everyone
I'm doing a research on evolutionary algorithms for architectural design
I found galapagos as evolutionary solver, and wanted to consult if galapagos could help me find the best distribution of architectural plant or compociones me volumetric solutions, facades, etc, I'm new to this, and still not very well handling components grasshopper ......
I thank you if you help me with, exercises or examples related link
thank you!!

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Hi Jorgenssen,

Galapagos is a generic solver. It wasn't written to deal with a number of specific problems (like for example distribution of buildings in a city, or distribution of windows on a facade). Rather as long as you can supply a (somewhat) continuous fitness function to describe your problem, Galapagos can -in theory- solve it for you. I say in theory because it may take a long time to reach a satisfactory solution.


David Rutten

Tirol, Austria

thanks David
I am new to grasshopper, sorry for my ignorancoa
  I'm still learning about some componenetes
What I want to achieve is to optimize plant spaces
a simple model of this project to review and has been difficult to perform, the image is not clear
I need to know which components to use for the areas not overlap, without changing size, something simple uncomplicated
4-5 could be rectangles
anyone has any please outline how to accomplish this
Thanks for your time

For plant spacing i'd think more in the lines of "circle packing", or packing algorithms in general. There are several topics around here concerning this. But start with researching the general concept.

If you want to do something, you should start with a general concept of what to do. Then you have a better chance of finding a suitable tool. Or you will have a better understanding of how to set up the tool of your choice.

Right now, you're basically asking "Can I use a hammer to build something?". ... to quote David "in theory: yes" but a house will be a thougher task than a small box. ;)

some time ago investigated genetic algorithms within the architectural design process 
my knowledge is still grasshopper is basic, I need help 
perform a component in grasshopper to combine areas to each other and help me galapagos optener the best solution based on the relationships that I condition 
component has problems, does not work me, could anyone help me with some basic outline of how to solve this problem, leave a link I found and I'm interested to learn how this scheme consists in grasshopper

I want to relate eg 7 areas 
dining room 
bedroom 1 
bedroom 2
and serious combinations (living room), (dining room), (hall-living-dining-kitchen) (corridor dormitorio1) (hallway bedroom 2) (hallway bathroom) 
leave my component I gh to review and correct what is wrong

any help please!! 

Hi Jorgenssen, I'm working on something really similar, and been searching for solutions, sadly I'm beginner too but I've got something close. Using voronoi and randoms I could generate different compositions of areas, but they are just random, I'll keep searching information, if I can help you I will.







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