
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone,

Here you can download gHowl_r46 for Grasshopper ***0.7.x and 0.8.x***.  This is technically our third public release of the components, though the first two have been under a beta testing stage.  This release fixes a few issues and adds some functionality not found in previous versions.  We have included examples for various applications.  If you have any questions or have issues using the gHowl components, please let us know.  Please remember to have Open Office installed for the spreadsheet components. 

*** Tested with GH 0.7.0057.  Reports show that gHowl does not appear for GH 0.7.0055.  We will sort out a compatible version for 0.7.x with the latest release.  Works well with 0.8.0001.***



UDP Components now have the ability to send and receive to a Multicast group.  To send or receive to a Multicast group, make sure you use the IP Range of -

OSC functionality is provided by the Bespoke OSC Library by Paul Varcholik.

Network Source
- Tests the connection of your machine to a network.

UDP Send - Allows the sending of UDP messages over the network.  Also allows the sending of OSC messages to OSC enabled software and hardware devices. (Deleting this component in 0.7.0057 crashes GH / Rhino)

UDP Receive - Allows the sending and receiving of UDP messages.  Also allows the reception of OSC messages and bundles (from Reactivision for example).(Deleting this component in 0.7.0057 crashes GH / Rhino)

OSC Channel - This component allows the storage of a single OSC Channel.  Change the component's nickname to store that address' data.

OSC Dispatch - This component allows the storage of data from multiple OSC addresses.

The spreadsheet components leverage the Open Office Calc engine.  You must have Open Office Calc installed in order for these components to work.  These components read and write *.ods, *.xls, and *.xlsx files.  Supports numerical values and strings.

AppChecker - Checks to see whether Open Office Calc or Excel are installed on your computer.

Spreadsheet In - Retrieves spreadsheet data from a file stored on your computer. (Deleting this component after referencing a file in 0.7.0057 crashes GH / Rhino)

Spreadsheet Out - Allows you to write a spreadsheet file. (Deleting this component after writing a file in 0.7.0057 crashes GH / Rhino)

These components retrieve xml data from local and web sources (such as RSS feeds).

Pachube - Retrieves data from a Pachube feed.  Must have a valid Pachube API. (Deleting this component after making a connection in 0.7.0057 crashes GH / Rhino)

XML Parser - This component parses an XML file stored on your computer or on the web.

The gHowl Team...

Views: 3123


Replies to This Discussion

Hi everybody,
I've got a problem with the file "spreadsheet_in".
I get this message: "Solution exception: URL seems to be an unsopported one".
Does anybody have the same problem?
Thank you
Where is the file you want stored? If you just open the file, you will notice that the path to the file is C:\Data\somefile.xls ... if you have no file there, the component will give you an error...
That was the problem...thank you
I've got a problem with the file "spreadsheet_in" too.
The message is : "Assembly Resolve Required: cli_uretypes, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=ce2cb7e279207b9e".
What's the problem?
Have you installed Open Office?
Yes,I got open office in my computer.
Any suggestion?
Which version is it? When did you install it? Did you restart Rhino after installation? If you upgraded to a newer version while you had an older version installed, this has also caused problems. I would completely uninstall Open Office and reinstall. Let me know if this helps at all. By the way, which version of GH are you using?
oh yeah.
I just reinstall the openoffice and everything is OK now.
Thank you.
Hmmm, just downloaded it now and the problem perists (I can't see any gHowl components).

In order to load John Mirtschin's components I had to disable the COFF byte arrays method in GrasshopperDeveloperSettings, but this doesn't seem to be the problem as I re-enabled it and gHowl did not load anyway.

Let me know if I can provide you any additional info that might help in finding the issue.

Ok, I just tried and it works with 0.7.0057, but I get the same results as you in 0.7.0055. Ok, I will change the description of what gHowl works with until we sort out a fully compatible 0.7.x version of the latest release. Apologies Alessio. Thanks for reporting!
Hi Luis,

no problem, I was just afraid about [uto]'s component behaviour under 07.0057, but they assured me they work fine. I just switched to 07.0057 and gHowl seem to work fine, so no hurry from my side.

Hope I can send some results (which means I'll have some time to dedicate to it... :-)).


I have been trying to work with gHOwl to load files from open office.
Unfortunately i keep getting the same error over and over again, even after reading a earlier post and trying to implement everything.
I've downloaded and installed the latest open office and grasshopper. From the gHOwl excercises i've tried to make these work, but again the same error. see attachment.

Has anyone had this problem and managed to solve this?






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