
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to recreate 'Lunchbox's TriB' component with native GH

Hello gh community, I am trying to recreate Lunchbox's TriangleB component with native grasshopper tools so I can achieve a 'non-uniform' distribution of triangle panels.  

However I can't figure the correct vertex order needed to complete the desired effect.

The model on the left is using TriB component and the right is my attempt with native GH and shows the desired non-uniform point distribution. 

Simply, I wish to create the same style tri's to the image on the left, but with a distribution similar to the right.

If this makes sense.. any advice?

Views: 756


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here is a version, not surely very optimized. 


Wow thank you so much!

I always assume its just quite a simple problem that I am missing, but then it turns out to be a little more complex!

This is great, and a good learning study as well so thankyou!

By the way this is actually part of a project i'm working on exploring form influenced by planetary positions, check out my definition where I've plotted the coordinates of each planets on a given time/day if you are interested :)

I think my solution is a bit complex and could be simplified. The first part is quite the same that you did but I didn't use curve just point. In order to have points not aligned in V direction i double the number of points. After that I keep one point every 2 points with Cull Pattern.
To generate the mesh it could be more simple to flatten the points lists and to use indices.
Thanks for the file I will look at it.





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