
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

HI David, Hi all,

I have a problem with getting the desired effect in GH without resorting to copy/paste multiple components.

I have a rectangular grid to array a curve and then loft adjacent curves to create building blocks in this grid. The problem I have is that my input list to cull pattern has 6 rows of 11 curves. And I have a cull pattern with 10 variations to select 2 of the 11 curves but I want to apply each pattern to each row. This sounds like a Cross Reference option on other components but this option is greyed out for Cull Pattern.

So instead the result I get is the first pattern is applied to the first row and the second to the second etc. until I run out of rows and then everything else is on the top row. see Image.

They only way I have found to get it to work is to split each row into it's own cull pattern component and apply the whole list of booleans to each row. But as I would like this definition to be adaptable allowing the user to specify number of rows and columns, there would be some limitation if copy/paste approach is the only option.

There is probably a better way of selecting these adjacent curves so I am open to all suggestions.

Views: 1232

Replies to This Discussion

Hey Danny,

Looks like your question got buried...

Anyway, if I understand your problem correctly, you can shift around the path names to get your desired pairs and then when you select the branches the naming (conveniently in this case...) gets reset for lofting.

Example is a 3 x 5 grid producing 4 columns of blocks. The lone expression is "C-1"

Thanks Taz. I really appreciate you digging around to find this, I was going to bump it today through a haze of tears at feeling so unloved ;)

I had to re jiggle the path mapper to suit but works beautiful. I got close to this similar solution using the tree branch on several occasions but it never quite got it right. Ironically it wasn't for me but Alice on the forums here. So when I'd spent too much time looking at it with no result I couldn't admit defeat.

I'd still like to know why the data matching on the Cull pattern does support cross reference in this way. Anyway, cheers again.





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