
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I like the expression hint asterisk on the modified input:

I was wondering if it would be too much of a PITA to add something like this:


Ok, so how to handle lists/trees?

Maybe in general a line could be added to the top of the list...some thing like:

10 values inherited from 1 source

Expression: Abs(A)






Apologies in advance for my use of MS Paint.

Views: 334

Replies to This Discussion

Hmm... Interesting.

I think I like the text based idea since sometimes expressions can get a bit muddled and long.
I like that. I'll get right on it after my holiday's over.

David Rutten
London, UK
additionally, can we get a subtile hint for a numerical value hard-coded in an input?

if asteriks is reserved for expressions, then maybe "°" (if this is not too confusing since normally refering to degrees...)

since this is such a common case I'd rather not add symbols to the interface to indicate it.
An empty input parameter will result in an orange component, and the tooltips can be used to quickly examine local values.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia

i do understand your intention to keep the interface clean. it's just that i sometimes experience difficulties teaching GH to students when there are "hidden switches" involved. students cannot achieve the same result as in the projection, because there is something invisible still essential inside the definition. same it true for screenshots on this forum.

maybe there could be an optional display mode that adds information for "hidden parameters" (similar to "profiler" or "draw icons" modes)

the following i percieve as hidden parameters:
- reparametrize
- flatten
- shortest, longest, cross-reference
- numerical values ( int, floats, domains,...)
- booleans
- expressions

if all these information is to much for the canvas, maybe the information could only display on selected components.
the existing mouse-over-tooltip-method is too single-focus IMO.

what do you think?

I'm not sure yet what I think. I'll need some more time.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
well, i have to admit that i am not fully aware of the consequences nor do i have a clear image of the implementation.
but i like visual hints on every detail in a definition, somehow. will sleep on this one...

thanks for considering!

anyway core functionality comes first...





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