
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to colour a line drawn in rhino with the help of grasshopper?

Views: 8365

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Can you specify the issue a little bit more? There are several ways of colouring a line. The display colour? The plot/print colour? only visualizing or maybe bake it with color?



a line drawn in rhino with the help of grasshopper has some dark red colour ... How to make another colour out of it? Just visualizing it.

You can change the document preview settings:

Or you can use a Custom Preview component to display specific geometry in a specific colour.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

A component ist named "Custom Preview"? And it is good for showing a specific geometry in a specific colour? ... Thank you man!

If you're looking for a component, just double click and start typing:


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I love you man :)

This custom Perview gives my line a pink colour!!!!!!!

I need a black colour!!!!

How to get this done?

In all seriousness how many days have you used Grasshopper for?

In that time have you not worked out that in order to change how a component works you "Most Likely" have to change one of its inputs.

Try plugging a colour into the other input.

This can be done in a number of ways.

don't forget that if you don't know where to find a component on the toolbars you can use the Create Function by double clicking on the canvas and typing a keyword to search for.

Once you have it on the canvas you can then hold down Ctrl+Alt+LMB click the component to see where it is located on the toolbars (Ribbons)

is it possible to do this inside a gh.python script ? Lets say i have 3 outcomes in my script, and i want the geometry in 2 of them to be displayed in yellow and blue, the other one in the default color.

is it possible?

Hi Fernando,

You should start a new discussion, ideally in the VB, C# and Python Coding forum and link to this thread as a reference. Otherwise it may go unnoticed by the relevant people who can answer it.






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