
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I've recently created a 3D voronoi but have run into a problem when I create edges using a brep component. the voronoi pattern is exactly what I need and I can succesfully sweep along the created lines to make them solid. 

However, when I did this I noticed that many of the lines created from the 3D voronoi appear to have duplicates. what is the best way to fix this? I have tried Kangaroo removeduplicatelines but it did not seem to work. 

Any help would be great.

Views: 243


Replies to This Discussion

So the trick to removing duplicate lines is to identify a common factor between them can can easily be compared. The best I have found is their midpoint. Give this file a try. Let me know if you have any questions.


This worked out great, thank you very much for the reply. I appreciate the help!





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