
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I'm trying to divide this surface into a rectangle of 1500*1000 in dimensions. (surface to the left)

when Iam using the deivide surface in grasshoppem its giving me a sort of points thats not related to any dimension!

Anyone can help me to get the right definition..!



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Probably a more efficient way to do this but here's a first run at it.


Rebuilding the surface will equalize the UV spacing across the surface.

Equalize in UV parameter space but not in XYZ space or am I missing something about your suggestion?

You are right. Rebuild only equalizes UV space so you would still need to relate UV to XYZ dimensions. I missed that part.


I just realized that I haven't really addressed you question.  I had something else in mind.  Sorry about that. 

This might be closer to what you want.


Hi Chris,

Thanks for your effort, but still not getting what I want.

(9_DivideSrf2) is almost close for what i meant, but the definition still not clear enough, I think..!

pls see this pic

This might be it then though it doesn't include the irregular spacing along the edges.  Do you need that aspect?


This one includes the irregular edge cells.


CHRIS! thats great!! both are exactly what i need rit now..
its soo complicated thats y i cant make it ,p

thanks alot bro.. appreciate it .))






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