
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am trying to project one face of a geometry onto a surface in the Z direction. The curves of that face would essentially become an extrusion that is intersected/split by the surface onto which it is projecting. Looking for the cleanest way to do this. See attached files and sketch.

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I think the first thing you should think about is how you want your final "bell" geometry to work...if you want a pure extrusion and cut, your best bet would probably be to simply make sure that your input geometry depth is always greater than the maximum distance between your level top surface and your curved lower surface.  Then you don't need to extrude at can simply split each of your bells at the intersection.

However, I think perhaps a better way to think about it would be to use the curve projection to construct your bells from the bottom up.  This way, you could have clean, untrimmed nurbs surfaces for each of your arrayed geometries.  I've attached some files which take this approach...basically starting from a single profile curve and then using graph mappers to move/scale these...then you move the curves to each point on your desired grid, project the bottom one to your curved surface, and loft each set of curves.

Oh, and also, when you are projecting curves, you should make sure that the surface you are projecting to is large enough that the projections don't spill over the edges...


cool, thank you david!

quick question. Now that these bells are constructed bottom up, how would I shift them in the z direction based on another surface, but while keeping the form of the initial bell that was created before by projection, etc.  


I'm not sure I quite understand your you want both the top and the bottom of the bell to be guided by two different surfaces?  so the bell sort of rides in between?






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