
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey guys! Attached you can find my definition.

Im trying to generate random squares on a rectangle grid. Well, somehow I succeeded but the problem is that I only can manage to generate the random effect in the y direction... all the squares in x-direction are the same size...

Ho can I do this?

And is it also possible to generate rectangles? Cause I had to work with central generated elements I had to opt for the polygons, but I cant seem to find where I can add a x and y size to the 4 sided polygon...


Views: 1313


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Without opening the definition... did you look into the help of the random component? Do you understand, what the seed value is? Did you find David Ruttens longish explanation of how random numbers work in GH?

I havent yet... Maybe I should. But look, these are some sketches of what I want to obtain:

The PDF is what I want to achieve.

The JPEG would be very nice to achieve, random rectangles where location and size are random.



Try these solutions :)


Hey thanks man, but I cant open them... Im working with GH 0.8.0010... I now its an old version but I cant download a newer version of GH... can you save it do be able to open in earlier versions? Thx!

You can find the latest release of GH for Rhino 5 here : GH 0.9.0014 Rhino5

If you are stuck with Rhino 4, you can download 0.9.0014 for Rhino 4 here: GH 0.9.0014 Rhino4

There is no explicit way to store GH files for older versions. There ara various components beeing updated from 0.8 to 0.9 and some internal logic has completely changed.





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