
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Im trying to display some sun vectors bouncing between two surfaces. I have a mix with a definition that i found here and what Im trying to do. It seems to be working partially fine. But as some vectors bounce as expected, others just run directly to the point (o,o,o). Any ideas what I´m doing wrong? The way i decided to do it is create a Meshray and then, on the hit points, place them as start points. 

Views: 919


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Looks like the script component returns some {0,0,0} points. Increasing the number of bounces seemed to solve this.

also you should disconnect the C input of the PLine. values other than 0 connect the first and last point.

yeah, that seems to work. Any idea why it only works for baked surfaces? Im trying to join it with the equation that generates surfaces an it will only bounce once...

Thank you hannes!







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