
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there,

I have multiple lines and a profile curve to sweep. It works when I use one curve but I want the profile to be hollow (like a rectangular hollow section) and this is where it fails. Does anyone know how to sweep two curves at once? So that the extrusion looks like a aluminium extrusion about 4mm thick?

Perhaps it is best described by the image.


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this works only for linear profiles. Otherwise I can recommand you Geometry Gym BIM by jon.

Best Regards



Thanks DeDackel,

I tried both and the GeometryGym option worked better for me. I can now create my mullions but I still cannot understand why creating the section profile myself wont work? 

Do you know how I could move the profile of the RHS so that it does not sweep about the centre of the profile? I.E. so maybe the back of the profile is at the line so that it will extrude from my wall rather than in the middle of it?


Most of the time I work with CrvOffests in this case. I often have to make solid models out of centerlinemodels which I get from the structural engineer. I define the plane in which the offset works. For the working progress this is good as well. You can easily handel chnages in the design. for example changes in the distance between the top of steel to the glass level.

But as modt of the time there are many ways. :-)

Best Regards


It makes sense for GH to sweep multiple profiles across one rail but I dont know why it is not working?

When I add in more curves to the sweep it just errors saying sweep could not be created.

Any ideas?

here it works :-)

Best Regards


Simple and effective thanks again DeDackle :)





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