
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

REQUEST: Remove clicking sound with Data Viewer

Literally the first thing I do when doing a fresh Windows install is disable the "Start Navigation" sound in the control panel so I don't have to hear that annoying click every time I browse something in Explorer.  

I'd love to be able to disable the click sound we are getting with the Data Viewer as well...



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Hi Marc,

not sure I can. I just use the standard windows WebViewer in that window (whatever version of IE is installed and deemed most suitable by the system).

I certainly don't get clicking sounds here and it does appear to be a system wide preference of some sort.

There appears to be some sort of interop invoking I can do with windows core to disable sounds, but let's muck about with that once 0.9 hits the shelves. I can then fairly easily get you a special build you can test.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Cool, thanks... In the meantime I will check my windows settings... This is my work computer so perhaps I missed something...


My bad... my work computer got re-imaged recently and set the windows sound back to default.  Changing the setting again solved the problem.  Sorry to waste your time on this!



The two first things I always do when installing windows are: disable all system sounds and disable all animations and system good-looking effects; this give to me some peace and more resources to spend ;)





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