
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, does anyone have the link for wb download? The official one does not respond. 


Views: 39874

Replies to This Discussion   you will receive download link to your mail.

yes, I know, but I have not received any mail yet. I asked like 3 weeks ago...

could you send me the link, if you have it? my mail is: thanks a lot

I just tried it and got an email immediately...maybe try again?

I tried like ten times. I even filled my second email address... Would you be so kind and resend me the link please? :-)

dunno man, check your spam folder?  All Giulio asks for in return of providing a great free add-on for GH is your email.  So if it is not working, I suggest you email him directly.

I have it know. It didnt work with my Czech email address. I made gmail account and it works well :-)

was not in spam folder, I checked before

Please may I download weaverbird because I am interested in mesh relaxation tools.

Thanks + regards,


Sure! Just follow the link there

Sorry to hear this Martin. I just sent you one, extra :)


Btw, in the email logs there are some responses from, and they look like this:

77.75.xx.xx does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550 5.1.1 Sorry, no mailbox here by that name.
Giving up on 77.75.xx.xx.






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