
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone!

I've already seen Brian James' tutorial on a parametric rosette quite a few times and it helped me a lot in understanding some basic operations in GH.

Well, I tried to adapt as much of the logic used in the wonderful rosette tutorial but the problem that I want to solve is a tiny little bit different:

I created a surface and a polygon. I control the polygon via sliders.

I also create random points via populate3D and a box made out of two points.

Then, I project those points with srf cp onto the surface.

Finally, I multiply and move the polygon onto those points with move and display

the vectors.

But when it comes to orient each polygon according to the normal of its center point I don't know how to achieve that...

All I want is to have the polygons sitting on the surface just like those of Brian James but without using any kind of grid because I want them to be sort of random.

Instead, they are all aligned to the xy-world.

How can I get this done? With some kind of multiplication?

Thanks in advance!!


Views: 1979


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Hi Askin,

Take the P from POLYGON and put it into the G of ORIENT.

Take the F from EVAL and put into the B of ORIENT

The F stands for Frame which is the Plane at each location on the surface and B is the Target Plane for the Orient Transformation.

This will work because your polygon is located at the XY plane which is the default plane for the A input of ORIENT.

There is no need to use the MOVE component as this is all done in one step with ORIENT.

Also can you move this to the Discussion forum as it would be better suited there.

see here for an explanation

Thanks Danny - it works!

I just couldn't figure out which output to connect with which input.

Next thing I'm going to do is to extrude the polygons, cut them with an offset surface using the distance of 1 or 2 mm to the original surface and bake everything.

Yeah, but hte main problem was the orientation to the surface - so cool it works now!

Have nice day - or night Danny!!


p.s.: this is already in the discussions forum, isn't it?






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