
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is it just me, or has the Vector Multiply component disapeared?

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It's been consolidated into the main Multiply component (which now works on vectors, numbers and complex numbers) - which I think this is much nicer than having separate components for all these.
The remaining Multiply now works on the following combinations:

Integer-Integer (should result in integer output)

Number-Vector (scale a vector)
Vector-Number (scale a vector)

Number-Point (multiply all the coordinates with the factor)
Point-Number (multiply all the coordinates with the factor)

Vector-Vector (dot product)

Complex-Complex (if you supply a complex number and a regular number it will revert to complex multiplication)

Colour-Colour (superimpose the colours, i.e. darken/stained glass effect)
Colour-Number (darken or lighten the colour based on the factor)
Number-Colour (darken or lighten the colour based on the factor)

The other operator components work in a similar fashion.

David Rutten
London, UK

thanku daniel and david !!

helped me a lot ,love ya both !! ;)

Thanks a lot all for the relies. So just as a confirmation

Vector X Vector is Dot product

and Vector + Vector  is Cross Product?


Many thanks in advance


Dot Product and Cross Product actually have their own components, but if you use the Multiply component with two vectors you do get the Dot Product as well.

Vector + Vector is just vector addition.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Ok understood,

Thanks a lot David







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