
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anybody has found a way to calculate the actual displayed length (or maybe I should say width) of a TextTag3D component, given a certain font size.
Also, does anyone know what font is used for the TextTag3D?

Have a nice weekend:)

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Also, does anyone know what font is used for the TextTag3D?


Hi Danny, thanks. I feel pretty silly I didn't check that really obvious one...
How about the first part of the question? I kind of suspected you would have come across flipping a windroses' tag while keeping it in position...

I think it would be nice if the Tag components had an bounding rectangle output:)

Arial is not a mono-spaced font so unless you got to the trouble of having a table for each character's aspect ratio I cannot see a means with the Text Tag 3D component.

There is however, Giulio's Text to Lines component which through sorcery and magic generates geometry to represent some text, which of course has the added benefit of being able to "bound".

Yes I know, hence the question. Yes, I'll trouble myself with a table, and I will check out Guilio's spell:) Thanks again Danny.

I did find some people doing/attempting this in VB or C#, but I really don't know how to get these working in a script component. At the moment I'm looking at:






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