
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,

I was just wondering if anyone know any way you can colourcode  surface faces. Meaning specific areas specific colour. Please see the picture attached, its not a good example but you can get the idea if a surface is used.



Views: 1434


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Hi Natasa,

have a look at the custom preview component. Alternatively, there is a section in the GH Primer (page 61) that relates to color coding according to an attractor point. Might be a good starting point.

You can use Custom Preview to assign custom colours to entire objects, if you want to vary the colour map on a single object, then that is only possible using Mesh geometry. Based on the image you posted you're looking for Custom Preview though.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thanks guys

This is what I have at the moment. But instead to have a solid colour on the surface I would like to have few of the surfaces with other colours and bake them all. Is it possible?


depending on what you want as an end result (aka are you creating a graphic like your example?) you could either use a list item component on your meshes before sending them into your preview component or a cull pattern with various comparison equations.

Using Giulio Piacentino's bake components you should be able to bake the resulting geometry with color.

Here's how to assign custom colours to individual objects.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


9.0001?  i feel a tremor in the force.......

I heard it straight from the horses mouth that it would be weeks possibly months away. There has been some tinkering deep within the core to sort out some bugs  with data matching that might ripple through to other areas with an undesired effect.

Thank you David that is great but it a baking problem. I have seen Giulios definition but I don't seem to understand how to adjust it to mine. Thats the type of result i want to do







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