
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



I'm not really a new with grasshopper but I'm not an expert, I would like to create an irregular diagrid that will be influence by a attrractor Line I tried a lot of definition I found in other discussion but I don't know How to apply it to my problem. The fact is that I don't know how to use the VB so I'm trying to do everything in Grasshopper.


My first problem is that I don't know how to do a Diagrid, I can do a Rectangular grid and then explode it and put points to form a Diagrid but I'm sure there a way to have a simple diagrid that will be easier to transform and to change the size.


My second problem is that I need a continuous diagrid, When I insert a diamond in a rectangle the change of size results of space between each diamond, they are not connected and that's not what I want.


Thank you for your help

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Ok maybe what I want to do is not clear so here's an image of where I'm at, I want the rectangle to be scale from bigger near the curve to small and then I can insert de diagrid inside of each rectangle an like this I think there will be no gap between each diamond. I already calculate the distance from each center to the curve but after I don't know what to do. I don't even know if I'm in the right path.



You don't want to scale the grid cells, you want to move the corners.

Moving the corners closer to the curve a greater distance will give the impression of inflation for the cells that are close to or cross the line.

Calculate the lenght of the translation vector according to the distance/positon of the corners. this way coincident corners are moved by the same amount.

thank you for your help, I understand the concept of moving the corners of the grid but when I'm doing it it seems that I don't fully understand or there's somethings I got wrong. I don't know wich points to move and how the points from each side of the curves can go to opposite direction because If I use the y vector the will go on negative or the positive side.


Thanks again for your help


You need to move incident points by the same amount. If you calculate the amout globally for each cell, this isnt the case.

See this:


Thank you again very much for your help I wouldn't have found it alone It's exactly what I was going for. Just to understand what I'm doing can you explain me what Remap is doing? Why do we have to change the min. and max to values between 0 and 1. and also what is the last box when you reconstructing the grid before doing the diagrid?


Thank you

The graph mapper allows you to change the distance behaviour. Normally it maps input values in the range from 0 to 1 to an new range from 0 to 1. You can adjust this manually  to an imput range from 0 to your maximum possible distance value to any range of displacements you want... the remapping component makes sure those bounds automatically change when you move the curve or scale the original grid.

the second box you're asking about is the path mapper. The grid is a list of rectangles. I grafted those so they were a tree with a branch for each rect. Exploded the rect and graft again. this gives a tree branching for every rect and every line of the rect... do all the moving for the points and reconstruct the lines.

Now we have a tree with single lines at each branch path. The path mapper takes all the branches at level C and puts them in a flat list. So we have a list of 4 edges for every rectangle again. Then we can calculate the midpoints of those and feed the 4 resulting points into a new closed polyline.

..hope my description makes doesn't confuse you more. :)

again thank you, Your explications were very clear It will be easier for me to re-use those functions in other definition.






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