
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,


I am trying to do the same in Grasshopper as you already can in Rhino using the function "VariableOffsetSrf", with a variable number of input 'control' points, each with their own offset distance. 


Anyone done this with a scripting component or by any other means?

Many thanks and kindest regards !



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you will run into big problems with this, as it is very difficult. Perhaps you can achieve an acceptable result with the SpatialDeform component?

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Cool component David, but sadly not what we need ... We need to maintain a tight control over the offset distance.

Any other bids ? :)

Many thanks and kindest regards,
i was trying to do something similar.... but not having much luck either.

i've attached what i came up with - divide a surface, move the points (maintaining the data structure), then rebuild the surface with 'surface from points'

the results are not ideal.... and my def is a little sloppy, but maybe this could help....

Looks good ! But we need such a tight control over the offset distance of certain points on the surface that something closer to Rhino's command "VariableOffsetSrf" would be best.

I cannot seem to find this either in the Rhino SDK, anyone know if it is in there?

David, this could be your challenge for the weekend; to build that component in Grasshopper ! haha ;)

Many thanks guys !
VariableSurfaceOffset is not available in the SDK, so there's no way for me to reach it. Otherwise I could indeed write the component over the weekend.

I'll put the request in with the Core development team, but it's going to take a while.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Thanks for your reply David. We will have to work around this for now then, if you hear any updates on this, please let us know !

Many thanks and kindest regards !

Did you ever get a GH version of cage edit to work?

Spatial Deform -- correct usage/behavior?
no... actually the srf-from-pts def i posted was a further attempt at that. no luck yet.

i had a deadline at work, so i ended up doing it 'manually' ;)






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