
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

is there a possibility (sure, there is always one...i know - but you know what i mean..) to set the volume of each brep of a voronoi 3d?

lets say i have a box as a border for my voronoi. now i add some points defining the cells...can i make each cell a specific volume?

i tried a little bit with galapagos and got some satisfying results for the volume of one brep...but unfortunately its only working for one brep...

any ideas any one??

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Posting a definition will help finding out what your problem is.

Generally you'll need a fitness value for galapagos, that includes all the cells. Your fitness schould be the sum of all the deviations of the cell volumes from their intended volumes. Minimizing will send galapagos in the right direction. You need to make the voronoi points move seperately in position so galapagos can act on them....


yes you are right (with the definition to post), but unfortunately i cant run rhino and grasshopper from where i am now...

but i try to explain it in a very simple way, what my definition is looking like:

i have the bounding box for the voronoi with lets say 10x10x10. so 1000 (m)³ in volume. i want this box to be seperated by the voronoi in 5 volumes, lets say 400,300,200,80,20 (m)³. so i define 5 points by xyz with sliders that go from 0-10. so galapagos will use all these xyz sliders from the points as genes.

i was only able to define my fitness for one point (brep of voronoi) to be one specific volume size - which worked quite good and fast as well. but i cant figure out how to define the fitness for all these breps in one logic for galapagos to solve...

if you can give me a more precise direction would be really nice...thanks anyway

Try this


Thank you very much,

unfortunately i cant try it right now, but tomorrow i will see if it works for me! but due to your printscreen it looks very promising...






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