
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

im trying to create a space frame on a curved surface.

i've followed tutorials from digitaltoolbox. some commands used are not available in 0.8 so googled and found the similar behavior command, i tried to use them and worked fine. But when it comes to the sublist, where they construct a polyline as a top chord for the web members it doesnt work well where there are additional unwanted line connecting from A0 to B10.

 could please someone look into this, and sorry for my bad english.

here are the tutorial

thank you~

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i think i have found the solution
its my fault, i've wrongly connected the function (single variable f(X)) with the slider value which is supposed to go to X instead of F...

however there is another problem occrus, please refer to the images attached.

The critical area of the space frame is the part when it defromed and the members extruded over the designated height of the sublist. anybody have experienced this? how to trim/ limit the extrusion?


the bottom chord pipe doesnt seems to joint between each other, it overlaps their members.

thank you for looking into it...


without looking into your actual file, your problem 01 seems to come from piping polylines. this will extrude the pipes over the corner point until the outer surace of the pipes intersect. to solve this, just explode all polylines to individual lines before piping. This will result in pipes ending at the precise location if your corner.

the second problem might be exactly the with the addition of som weird problems with the intesection of the pipes.

thanks Hannes,

i did look up on the problem01, it works after exploding them, i wonder why the tutorial asked to join them? maybe it only works for planar space frame.....

for problem02 i did re-look on the boolean of the bottom chord (PLine).The tutorial it asked to use True Boolean, that explains why it turns to be such manner. When i change it to False it worked fine....

thank you again Hannes for the heads up...

will try to work on more complex space frame, im trying to work on zaha's roof system, just like the Heydar, Aliyev Cultural Centre






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