
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


sorry for this simple question!
i try to find a way to sort/selct points in  a list.
i just find a def. but i find myself not able to cope with it.
can you explain to me how such a common problem is best solved.
for example. what should i do to select the points
similar like the two example/picts.


Views: 3109


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2 Questions:

Are they always based on the edge of a Surface?

Or are they always in a regular grid?

I attach a file with 3 solutions 2 are based on the surface edges being a factor and the other one groups points based on a similar constant i.e x value or y value.


dear danny,

thanks a lot for the respond!

i showed at first only two pictures.
actually it should be as variable as possible.

now I try to understand your def...

dear danny,

how can i select thr points similar like the pict above

with your bounday method/curve method?

try this


dear danny,

sorry for my slownessi do not understand it until now.

the point are not selectet as the pict above.

aarrrg! (:

I don't understand the problem then. I thought you wanted the first and last column and the top and bottom rows

To try and understand better. Are you after the points inside the yellow rectangles? 

dear danny,

yes, i want the points inside the yellow rectangles.

this problem can be solved when i plug the divide-curve-comp to the 4 edges.

This would be somewhat limited.

would this also reachable with your boundary curve method / method ?


So you want numbers 1 to 10 not just the cull list of 1,3,5,7,9.

If so then I you could either divide the curves again or apply the selection method to the original grid.

dear danny,

we speak about boundary method, curve method and branching method. what is now the selection method. (:

maybe i understand your def. better tomorrow!

sorry and thanks a lot for your help!

(actually the boundary method should work too, and I found out that it even works with a boundary on a curved surface:
Kind of surprised me too:)

dear pieter

is in your def also possible to select the boundary pts?

Ehhm, seems my reply was not very suited for this discussion, I had just a minute to spare before going out and reacted a bit hasty. Sorry.
I take it you mean the points on the boundary? I hope these examples help you find what you want, because it's not too clear for me either what exactly you mean by sort points in a list.







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