
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

rebuild surface and extract it's wireframe curves

hey guys Í"m trying to get the grasshopper definition for rebuilding a surface and extracting it's uv wireframe curves, just like in the command from rhino curves>curve from object> extract wireframe. I want the u and v lines to come in 2 differrent lists. this is rather trivial as it is a built in rhino command.does any1 know how to achieve this?


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Hey thanx oso much for replying. It really helped me out. One quesition though is what to define as the domain in the range component. I fixed it mnanually but then it's a differrent number for each there a way for it to relate to the actual surface without me having to guess the domain each time?thanx
Fixed it. Used the the domain2 component to extract the u and the v.
Hyey thanx oso much for replying. It really helped me out. One quesitionmtoohough is what to define as the domain in the range component. I fixed it mnanually but then it's a differrent number for each there a way for it to relate to the actual surface without me having to guess the domain each time?thanx






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